Personal Data Protection

Processing of personal Data and Protection of Privacy

Personal Data Processing is performed pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and the Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on personal data processing.

Persons who use the Compyda services, and any associated software or products, are considered data subjects (hereinafter "Data Subjects") with accordance to General Data Protection Regulation.

Controller of the personal data is Masaryk University, a public university with its registered office in Žerotínovo náměstí 617/9, 601 77 Brno, Czech Republic, through The Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis (CBIA) established at the Masaryk University (hereinafter "Controller").

Data Protection Officer of Masaryk University is Iva Zlatušková, E-mail:

Categories of Processed Personal Data

The Controller shall collect limited personal data:

Legal Grounds for Personal Data Processing

The legal ground for personal data processing of E-mail address is freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous consent of the Data Subject. The purpose of the personal data processing is limited to simply storing the Email address in order to ensure a suitable channel of communication with the user in case of malfunction or to further inquire about the results of the data analysis.

The legal ground for personal data processing of Internet Protocol (IP address) is the necessity and legitimate interests pursued by the controller in relation to the obligations imposed on the service provider as a recipient of public funds and the obligation to fulfill the monitoring indicators of the service.

Basic Principles and Safety of Personal Data Processing

The Controller have adopted and oblige to maintain such technical and organizational measures as to prevent unauthorized or accidental access to the processed (transmitted) personal data, their change, destruction or loss, unauthorized transfers, their other unauthorized processing, as well as other misuse of personal data.

Period of Personal Data Processing

Your email address will be stored for up to 2 years. Your IP address will be stored for up to 1 year.

Rights of the Data Subject

The Data Subject has the right under the Art. 15 et seq. of the General Data Protection Regulation

The consent withdrawal or any request, as mentioned in the points above, will be solved by sending an e-mail to In this e-mail, the particular request regarding the handling of Data Subject's personal data will be specified.

Information on the processing of personal data at Masaryk University is available on the official notice board at

Information for Data Subjects to exercise their rights is available at official notice board at