Our Microscopes
As a part of our services we also provide open access to selected automated microscopy techniques, especially we focus on automated confocal spinning disk microscopy. We offer the following setups:
Setup 1

- Location: Faculty of Informatics, Room A316
- Microscope: inverted Olympus IX83
- Objectives: 10x/NA0.4, 20x/NA0.75, 20x/NA0.5/PhC, 40x/NA0.75/PhC, 40x/NA1.15/Water
- Confocal unit: Yokogawa CSU-W1 with quad-band dichroic mirror and motorized bypass
- Camera: Andor iXon-Ultra-888 back-illuminated 1024x1024 EMCCD at -80°C
- X-Y movement: Märzhäuser SCAN-IM stage (stepper motors)
- Z movement: Märzhäuser Piezo Z-Stage 300μm + internal stepper motor
- Filter exchange (wide-field mode): internal filter-cube revolver (DAPI/FITC/Cy3/Cy5)
- Filter exchange (confocal mode): filter wheel inside confocal (DAPI/FITC/Cy3/Cy5/quad)
- Light source (wide-field mode): external X-Cite 120W lamp
- Light source (confocal mode): VisiTech Laser Combiner with 4 solid state lasers (405/488/561/640nm at 120/100/100/150mW, respectively)
- Live cell chamber: Ökolab H301-MINI chamber with temperature, CO2 and humidity control
- Anti-vibration base: Thorlabs breadboard
Setup 2

- Location: Bohunice Campus, Room A3/2.23
- Microscope: inverted Zeiss Axiovert 200M
- Objectives: 10x/NA0.3, 20x/NA0.5/PhC, 40x/NA0.75, 40x/NA1.3/Oil, 63x/NA1.3/Water, 100x/NA1.45/Oil
- Confocal unit: Yokogawa CSU-10 with quad-band dichroic mirror
- Camera (wide-field mode): Photometrics CoolSNAP HQ2 1392x1040 CCD at -30°C
- Camera (confocal mode): Andor iXon+ 888 back-illuminated 1024x1024 EMCCD at -80°C
- X-Y movement: Prior inverted ProScan H117 stage (stepper motors)
- Z movement: Prior 500μm NanoScanZ piezo + internal stepper motor
- Filter exchange (wide-field mode): internal filter-cube revolver (DAPI/FITC/Cy3/Cy5)
- Filter exchange (confocal mode): Sutter Lambda 10-3 filter wheels (DAPI/FITC/Cy3/Cy5/quad)
- Light source (wide-field mode): external X-Cite 120W lamp
- Light source (confocal mode): Andor Laser Combiner LC-401A with 4 solid state lasers (405/488/561/640nm at 50/75/75/40mW, respectively)
- Live cell chamber: Lab-Tek mini-chamber with pre-mixed CO2 supply and temperature control
- Anti-vibration base: Thorlabs breadboard